Imaginary Opera Ensemble


 Who we are


  • Imaginary: This refers to all those artists who do not have a fixed engagement (yet, not anymore...) and are therefore often judged as secondary by the public. They can become part of our "imaginary ensemble".

  • Opera: An art form that is highly subsidized in Europe, but as a result is subject to a strong and arbitrary selection of employees. In our ensemble, the performance of the individual is the entry criterion: whoever masters a role and wants to perform it can participate in our framework.
    We want to show that the potential of a motivated group is able to stage an opera without being measured against expensive show equipment.

  • Ensemble: Our work has shown that people who sing together can learn from each other, and that the characteristics of the vocal parts can be defined much more easily in a group. Only the presence of the complete ensemble makes it possible for a soloist to perform a leading role, the seemingly supporting roles often contribute much more to the plot than the main character or they trigger the conflicts of the piece. Therefore, team spirit is more important than self-presentation, and togetherness is more important than narcissism.



What we offer

Our goals:

  • We offer the opportunity to develop and present opera parts on stage.
  • We want to provide a comprehensible way for participants to participate: instead of castings based on individual and often superficial criteria, we count on the mastery of the role and the integration into our working process.
  • We want to realize our ideas and plans without being dependent on subsidies; the artistic investment comes first, like in any craft activity, the finished product is paid for.
    But: whoever really wants to sing a role does not have to wait for a funded role assignment, but can become active with us.
  • We want to learn from each other, instead of only achieving our own successes; in this way, there is also a pedagogical activity that ideally complements conventional individual instruction.














Our activities

  • Regular weekly rehearsals to address those musical topics and problems that only arise when singing and playing together.
  • The willingness to also think about aspects of directing and remain actively observing, instead of just delivering one's own part. This opens up countless opportunities for criticism and improvement or change of standpoints.
  • Joint performances on a small scale, where all structural accompanying activities must be taken into account. We are our own stage workers, prop masters, costume and mask makers...







What we need and what you can do for us








Our work requires a lot of volunteer commitment:

Obtaining and procuring props, costumes and stage decorations, logistical effort for stage rehearsals and events, and audience care (buffet)

of course we also need

financial contributions so that we can pay for

  • rent of the hall
  • props and decorations
  • transportation
  • and production costs

thank you very much!

If you would like to actively participate with us, please fill out the form and send it to us:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

And we need 

  • as well as a lot of communication efforts in advertising or social media
  • or simply, to support us with a little bit of your time or share our posts.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Thank you for your interest!